Serving Locally & Globally

Promoting unity in the Body of Christ is one of the special callings on the members of WLCC.  For over thirty years they have built relationships of trust and cooperation with pastors and churches across denominational lines in Davis,  the United States and internationally.  One fruit of this unity is Bill Wallace’s partnership with a local church to teach the Bible and lead visiting Chinese nationals to Christ.

Pastor Art served as the National Day of Prayer Coordinator for Yolo County.  WLCC has participated in cooperating with Christian regional events such as the Luis Palau crusade in Sacramento.  Pastor Art actively encourages senior pastors in the area to fellowship with other pastors at the quarterly meetings of the Sacramento City Pastors group.

Promoting Unity in the Body of Christ

The pastor and leadership team of WLCC are leaders in the Good Shepherd International Fellowship (GSIF).  The GSIF is an international fellowship of Evangelical and Pentecostal ministers and churches dedicated to promoting love and unity in the Body of Christ and working together to fulfill the Great Commission.

Mission Opportunities

For decades WLCC leaders and members have ministered with missionaries, held conferences for pastors and youth leaders and supported compassion ministries in parts of Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and Mexico.

WLCC leaders have partnered with seasoned national leaders in the Philippines to form combined US/Filipino crusade teams.  As a result of these crusades and financial support, thousands have come to Christ and hundreds of churches have been planted in the Philippines.

You may want to experience the life changing opportunity of joining a crusade evangelism team that plants new churches and Bible studies in unchurched villages internationally.   

The WLCC office provides the headquarters and administration for the GSIF without charge.  This allows 100% of donations to the GSIF to go to where the donors want them to go.

The GSIF was founded in 1975 by Nolan Peschke, the founding pastor of  WLCC.

